Privacy Policy

Your concerns about privacy and confidentiality are very important to us. We aim to address these concerns with this policy. This privacy policy is designed to help you understand the type of data we collect when you visit FunTube or use FunTube, and how this data is processed.

Types of Information We Collect

At FunTube, we do not collect or store any sensitive information about you without your consent.
Generally, like any other website, when you visit our site, our server logs your IP address, visit time, browser type, and referring URL.
For data collected after signing in with an email address, please refer to Sign in with Email Address.
For data collected by FunTube Ads, please see FunTube Ads.

FunTube Ads

FunTube Ads does not collect any sensitive data from users without consent.
FunTube Ads may collect non-sensitive data such as user IP address, visit time, language, device type, and OS version for analytical purposes and service improvement.

Sign in with Email Address

We do not require you to sign in with your email address; however, if you wish to access additional features, you may sign in using an email address.

When you sign in with an email address in FunTube App, you can:
- Back up your data to our servers and restore it at a later time.
- Reset your app password.

By signing in with your email address in FunTube App, we will store the following information (including, but not limited to):
- Email address
- Language preferences
- IP address
- Date and time of last visit
- Device ID
- Timezone
- App version
- Most recently watched video
- Backups of your preferences (such as Saved Channels, Saved Videos, Blocked Channels, Blocked Videos, Blocked Words)

* We can't access your backup.

** If you decide to stop using FunTube App, you have the option to Delete account and data.

External Links

FunTube and FunTube App may contain links to other sites, feature advertisements from external sources such as Google AdSense and Google AdMob, or incorporate services from sites such as Google Analytics. These sites and services may collect personal data, and we do not control the data collection methods of these external entities. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these external sites for more information.

Disclosure of Information

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the basic data collected from visitors as described in this document. We will not disclose this information to any third party, except as required by law or when we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to comply with legal proceedings, or to protect and defend the rights or property of our applications and its users.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend these privacy policy terms when necessary. Any adjustments will be reflected on this page, which will detail the information collected from visitors, how it is used, and under what circumstances it may be shared.